2010년 4월 3일 토요일

Seven Things

I'm forgiven because you were forsaken.
I'm accepted you were condemned.
I'm alive and well your spirit is within me
because you died and rose again.

Amazing love how can it be
That you my King would die for me
Amazing love I know it's true
It is my joy to honor you

In all I do, I honor you

Good Friday before Easter,
Death before resurrection,
Cross before the Glory.

Jesus died the terrible death,
Because of His everlasting, deep, amazing love for me.

Seven things He said on the cross
Reminds me how precious His forgiveness is.
How great a price He paid to give me this forgiveness!

“Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing. (Luke 23:34)”

Even in the midst of severe pain,
Even when all those people were accusing Him,
Even though He was at the place where He should have never been,
He was truly… faithful.

When I was yet a sinner, Jesus loved me enough,
to die for me, and to make a way for me to go to the father.

“Truly I say to you, today you shall be with Me in Paradise. (Luke 29:43)”

All he had to do was ask Jesus to remember him.
Nothing He had done in his life, or all that he had not done,
did not matter at all.

A sinner, crucified on the cross, valued by no one on earth,
But Jesus loved Him still.
All he did was open his heart to Jesus.

I am no better than him, so sinful, so weak;
But I rejoice in my deficiency because I know He is all I need.
‘Jesus, remember me today.’

“Woman, behold, your son!” … “Behold, your mother! (John 19:26,27)”

How heartbreaking it must have been for Jesus,
to see His mother weeping before the feet of His cross.
And with the last breaths on the cross,
He entrusted His beloved ones to one another.

Today, God has placed His beloved ones in my life.
And He is telling me,
“Sarah, behold, your friends!”

He has given me sufficient love,
Overflowing grace,
to love and to serve those beloved ones of Christ.

“I am thirsty. (John 19:28)”

Jesus was thirsty. The God of the universe, the King of Kings… He was thirsty.
He was thirsty because He bore all my sins on His shoulders.
He became the sinner I am and took everything I need to take for Himself.

He became thirsty, voluntarily,
to fill my deep thirst.
And now, He fills me with everything I need.


More than the physical pain,
The more severe suffering for Jesus was that He was separated from God the Father.
He took that place for me. He endured that place
so that I no longer have to live in separation with God.

God the Father had to turn His face away from His son on the cross
because He loved me so much.
How can it be that the King would die for me!
This is such amazing love.

“Father, into your hands I commit my spirit. (Luke 29:46)”

Jesus lived a life of total dependence on God.
Every moment, His life purpose was to please God - to do His will.
And at the very last moment of His life,
He committed His Spirit to the Father, as He had done for the last thirty some years.

As a daughter of Christ, and as His disciple,
I want to follow His example;
‘Father, into your hand I commit y life today.’

“It is finished! (John 19:30)”

Nothing, absolutely nothing is left for me to do.
Jesus carried all my sins, and He died on the cross and paid the price.
There is nothing I can add to this.

Amazing love, I know it’s true.
It’s my joy to honor you!

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