2010년 7월 12일 월요일

Scavenger Hunt

Fire: Fire is a very good thing.... it makes my feet warm, helps me cook... and sometimes brings us fire trucks ( for Katie!! :) kk )

Scavenger Hunt

Help: Sometimes.. when it seems impossible to go over to the other side, even with big leaps, God becomes our safe bridges.

2010년 7월 11일 일요일

Scavenger Hunt

Special Art: Sometimes... food can be a tool for drawing!

Scavenger Hunt

Concert by the beach: Special... Music:)

Scavenger Hunt

God you are amazing! : Some have a passion for cooking, some for teaching, some for singing, some for running... it's amazing how God gave each one of us different desires, passions, talents... for one same goal - for His Glory!

Scavenger Hunt

Most Precious Gift: God makes my day with beautiful weather... just looking up at the blue sky with white clouds makes me so happy!

Scavenger Hunt

No turning back: Accomplishing the great dream of God means departing from the old self.... and never turning back.