2010년 7월 12일 월요일

Scavenger Hunt

Fire: Fire is a very good thing.... it makes my feet warm, helps me cook... and sometimes brings us fire trucks ( for Katie!! :) kk )

Scavenger Hunt

Help: Sometimes.. when it seems impossible to go over to the other side, even with big leaps, God becomes our safe bridges.

2010년 7월 11일 일요일

Scavenger Hunt

Special Art: Sometimes... food can be a tool for drawing!

Scavenger Hunt

Concert by the beach: Special... Music:)

Scavenger Hunt

God you are amazing! : Some have a passion for cooking, some for teaching, some for singing, some for running... it's amazing how God gave each one of us different desires, passions, talents... for one same goal - for His Glory!

Scavenger Hunt

Most Precious Gift: God makes my day with beautiful weather... just looking up at the blue sky with white clouds makes me so happy!

Scavenger Hunt

No turning back: Accomplishing the great dream of God means departing from the old self.... and never turning back.

Scavenger Hunt

Rebuilding: It isn't easy to rebuild broken hearts.. but it is possible... and God loves to do it!

Scavenger Hunt

Sacrifice: A candle can light up a dark room, but only by melting its own self. True love may mean something like this.

Scavenger Hunt

Green: It is so easy to just focus on the beautiful purple and be amazed, but without the green there is no purple.

Scavenger Hunt

Standing alone: Making a Statement may sometimes mean, standing alone.

Scavenger Hunt

Above the clouds: Last year, I flew in a plane all by myself, for the first time in my life. I didn't know I would make so many trips all by myself. Long trips on the plane is no fun, but God has done such amazing things through those long journeys. Thankyou Lord :)

Scavenger Hunt

The best breakfast: A memory of the greatest breakfast I ever had.... Hot french fries and fat hamburger, by the swimming pool, with my dearest friends!

Scavenger Hunt

Trying new shoes: It is always fun to try on new shoes... even if I don't get to buy them!

Scavenger Hunt

A day without a watch: It is amazing how many times we check our time in a single day. It is quite freeing, once in a while, to live a day without a watch. :-)

Scavenger Hunt

Don't Pretend: HaHa, I saw this on the bus. This is FUNNY:)

Scavenger Hunt

Date with my Roommate:
A perfect dinner, a perfect coffee shop, a perfect roommate,,,

Scavenger Hunt

Reflecting Each Other: After all these years of marriage, my Mom and Dad are becoming so much alike. Ther love for each other, true love for us, their purpose of life, their love for God... are like reflections.

Which is Stronger?: Friendship is so much stronger than Staplers! We stick just like we are stapled!

Coffee and Friend: I love Coffee. I love my adorable friend. No matter how exhuasted she is, just one cup of this mocha frapuccino maker her happy!

Self Portrait: I love children. They make me so happy!

Impossible to let go: Fear is not being able to let go, even though you are totally safe in God's almighty hands.