2010년 7월 12일 월요일
2010년 7월 11일 일요일
Scavenger Hunt
Reflecting Each Other: After all these years of marriage, my Mom and Dad are becoming so much alike. Ther love for each other, true love for us, their purpose of life, their love for God... are like reflections.
Which is Stronger?: Friendship is so much stronger than Staplers! We stick just like we are stapled!
Coffee and Friend: I love Coffee. I love my adorable friend. No matter how exhuasted she is, just one cup of this mocha frapuccino maker her happy!
Impossible to let go: Fear is not being able to let go, even though you are totally safe in God's almighty hands.
2010년 5월 14일 금요일
You are my strength when I am weak
You are my strength when I am weak
You are the treasure that I seek
You are my all in all
Seeking you as a precious jewel
Lord, to give up I'd be a fool
You are my all in all
Jesus, Lamb of God
Worthy is your name
Jesus, Lamb of God
Worthy is your name
Taking my sin, my cross my shame
Rising again, I bless your name
You are my all in all
When I fall down you pick me up
When I am dry you fill my cup
You are my all in all
Everyday, I find myself so weak, so dirty, so sinful.
Even though I know I have received so much from God,
I am still so filled with my self- so selfish.
When I see my weaknesses, I used to condemn myself and fall in despair.
But now I know that I can rejoice in these weaknesses,
for God is my strength when I am weak.
I am nothing, but He is everything.
Jesus is the most precious jewel.
Nothing else in this world compares to Him.
Everyday life drives me to seek other things more than Him,
but I once again ask You Lord, to hold my heart to concentrate on You.
Let me remember, every moment, that You are all I need and even more.
You are my all in all Jesus.
Thankyou for Your amazing, extravagant love for me.
You are the treasure that I seek
You are my all in all
Seeking you as a precious jewel
Lord, to give up I'd be a fool
You are my all in all
Jesus, Lamb of God
Worthy is your name
Jesus, Lamb of God
Worthy is your name
Taking my sin, my cross my shame
Rising again, I bless your name
You are my all in all
When I fall down you pick me up
When I am dry you fill my cup
You are my all in all
Everyday, I find myself so weak, so dirty, so sinful.
Even though I know I have received so much from God,
I am still so filled with my self- so selfish.
When I see my weaknesses, I used to condemn myself and fall in despair.
But now I know that I can rejoice in these weaknesses,
for God is my strength when I am weak.
I am nothing, but He is everything.
Jesus is the most precious jewel.
Nothing else in this world compares to Him.
Everyday life drives me to seek other things more than Him,
but I once again ask You Lord, to hold my heart to concentrate on You.
Let me remember, every moment, that You are all I need and even more.
You are my all in all Jesus.
Thankyou for Your amazing, extravagant love for me.
2010년 5월 7일 금요일
The parable of the fig tree tells us about a beautiful word, called 'repentance.'
Repentance is being enslaved to Christ, being filled with His Word and His joy.
It is remaining in Jesus, and turning daily to God.
It is not fixing myself, but coming to God as I am.
Repentance is what we do everyday, specifically confessing to God.
It is trusting alone in the finished work of God!
Thankyou Lord, for your amazing grace.
Help me not forget, or belittle your priceless salvation.
2010년 4월 16일 금요일
The cherry blossom is beeeautiful in Korea right now :)
How beautiful is God's creation!
My thoughts on women working:
“Marriage is a vocation. It is a task to which you are called. If it is a task, it means you work at it. It is not something which happens. You hear the call, you answer, you accept the task, you enter into it willingly and eagerly, you commit yourself to its disciplines and responsibilities and limitations and privileges and joys.”
Elizabeth Elliot, in her book Let Me Be A Woman, describes marriage as a vocation. I believe too, that the role of a woman as a wife and mother is a significant and challenging calling, to which she should endeavor to succeed in. The issue of a woman working becomes controversial as she enters the stage of marriage and undertakes the responsibility of a family.
Is a wife to stay at home and support her husband? Is it wrong for a mother to work outside the home when she has children? The answer is, though it may sound cliché, that each woman should seek God’s will for her own life. God calls each one of us to various and unique styles, vocations, and purposes of life.
My mother was nearly always a working mom: she was always busy, but she never took her role as a wife and a mother carelessly. As a woman with a great love for her family, her desire was not to work outside of home, but to be a full-time wife and mother. However, she worked because God called her to. God had amazing ministries He wanted to do through her, and when God called her, she obeyed.
My mother worked outside our home and also carried her role as a mother and wife wisely. Other Godly women I know stay at home to support her family as a loving mother and wife. Is either of them better than the other? No. There is no typical answer for a ‘perfect Christian woman.’
However, for every Christian married woman, her priority is her family. As Elizabeth Elliot says in her book, “if a woman wants her career to have priority she will do better to stay single, for the simple scriptural reason that she was made to adapt to a man (made ‘for him’) if she has a man.” As a woman enters her stage of marriage, her first role is to be a good wife and a mother. As God calls her to carry other roles in her life, He will give her the wisdom to balance between the two important vocations, for His own glory.
Elizabeth Elliot, in her book Let Me Be A Woman, describes marriage as a vocation. I believe too, that the role of a woman as a wife and mother is a significant and challenging calling, to which she should endeavor to succeed in. The issue of a woman working becomes controversial as she enters the stage of marriage and undertakes the responsibility of a family.
Is a wife to stay at home and support her husband? Is it wrong for a mother to work outside the home when she has children? The answer is, though it may sound cliché, that each woman should seek God’s will for her own life. God calls each one of us to various and unique styles, vocations, and purposes of life.
My mother was nearly always a working mom: she was always busy, but she never took her role as a wife and a mother carelessly. As a woman with a great love for her family, her desire was not to work outside of home, but to be a full-time wife and mother. However, she worked because God called her to. God had amazing ministries He wanted to do through her, and when God called her, she obeyed.
My mother worked outside our home and also carried her role as a mother and wife wisely. Other Godly women I know stay at home to support her family as a loving mother and wife. Is either of them better than the other? No. There is no typical answer for a ‘perfect Christian woman.’
However, for every Christian married woman, her priority is her family. As Elizabeth Elliot says in her book, “if a woman wants her career to have priority she will do better to stay single, for the simple scriptural reason that she was made to adapt to a man (made ‘for him’) if she has a man.” As a woman enters her stage of marriage, her first role is to be a good wife and a mother. As God calls her to carry other roles in her life, He will give her the wisdom to balance between the two important vocations, for His own glory.
2010년 4월 3일 토요일
Seven Things
I'm forgiven because you were forsaken.
I'm accepted you were condemned.
I'm alive and well your spirit is within me
because you died and rose again.
Amazing love how can it be
That you my King would die for me
Amazing love I know it's true
It is my joy to honor you
In all I do, I honor you
I'm accepted you were condemned.
I'm alive and well your spirit is within me
because you died and rose again.
Amazing love how can it be
That you my King would die for me
Amazing love I know it's true
It is my joy to honor you
In all I do, I honor you
Good Friday before Easter,
Death before resurrection,
Cross before the Glory.
Jesus died the terrible death,
Because of His everlasting, deep, amazing love for me.
Seven things He said on the cross
Reminds me how precious His forgiveness is.
How great a price He paid to give me this forgiveness!
“Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing. (Luke 23:34)”
Even in the midst of severe pain,
Even when all those people were accusing Him,
Even though He was at the place where He should have never been,
He was truly… faithful.
When I was yet a sinner, Jesus loved me enough,
to die for me, and to make a way for me to go to the father.
“Truly I say to you, today you shall be with Me in Paradise. (Luke 29:43)”
All he had to do was ask Jesus to remember him.
Nothing He had done in his life, or all that he had not done,
did not matter at all.
A sinner, crucified on the cross, valued by no one on earth,
But Jesus loved Him still.
All he did was open his heart to Jesus.
I am no better than him, so sinful, so weak;
But I rejoice in my deficiency because I know He is all I need.
‘Jesus, remember me today.’
“Woman, behold, your son!” … “Behold, your mother! (John 19:26,27)”
How heartbreaking it must have been for Jesus,
to see His mother weeping before the feet of His cross.
And with the last breaths on the cross,
He entrusted His beloved ones to one another.
Today, God has placed His beloved ones in my life.
And He is telling me,
“Sarah, behold, your friends!”
He has given me sufficient love,
Overflowing grace,
to love and to serve those beloved ones of Christ.
“I am thirsty. (John 19:28)”
Jesus was thirsty. The God of the universe, the King of Kings… He was thirsty.
He was thirsty because He bore all my sins on His shoulders.
He became the sinner I am and took everything I need to take for Himself.
He became thirsty, voluntarily,
to fill my deep thirst.
And now, He fills me with everything I need.
More than the physical pain,
The more severe suffering for Jesus was that He was separated from God the Father.
He took that place for me. He endured that place
so that I no longer have to live in separation with God.
God the Father had to turn His face away from His son on the cross
because He loved me so much.
How can it be that the King would die for me!
This is such amazing love.
“Father, into your hands I commit my spirit. (Luke 29:46)”
Jesus lived a life of total dependence on God.
Every moment, His life purpose was to please God - to do His will.
And at the very last moment of His life,
He committed His Spirit to the Father, as He had done for the last thirty some years.
As a daughter of Christ, and as His disciple,
I want to follow His example;
‘Father, into your hand I commit y life today.’
“It is finished! (John 19:30)”
Nothing, absolutely nothing is left for me to do.
Jesus carried all my sins, and He died on the cross and paid the price.
There is nothing I can add to this.
Amazing love, I know it’s true.
It’s my joy to honor you!
2010년 3월 17일 수요일
Heal the wound but leave the scar
I used to wish that I could rewrite history
I used to dream that each mistake could be erased
Then I could just pretend I never knew the me back then
I used to pray that You would take this shame away
Hid all the evidence of who I've been
But it's the memory of the place You brought me from
That keeps me on my knees and even though I'm free
Heal the wound but leave the scar
A reminder of how merciful you are
I am broken, torn apart
Take the pieces of this heart
And heal the wound but leave the scar
Few days ago, a new thought hit me
while I was reading through Exodus.
All the laws in the Old Testament, the wierd rules,
difficult rituals, and the hard commandments
that God had given to His people, had a reason - a very speical one.
It was not because God wanted to make their lives miserable.
It wasn't because God was this mean, angry being.
It was because, to my amazement,
because of His love - His great, deep and true love.
God knew the Israelites very well.
He knew their deepest hearts and their desires.
He knew their weaknesses and ther thendency to sin.
The loving Father knew that they would forget Him very easily;
thus He lovingly gave them ways to remember the God
who delivered them from death and bondage.
God provided a way for purposeful rememberance because He loved them.
And that same God who loved the Israelites,
loves me today with the same great love.
The lyrics of this song, 'heal the wound but leave the scar'
penetrates my heart with Truth.
So many times I wished I could rewrite history,
leaving out all the mistakes I made and taking all the shame away.
But when God lifted my eyes off of myself to Him,
I realized the beautiful, amazing and stupendous greatness of God.
Even the ugliest mistakes, God can use for His good
when we turn our eyes back to Him.
He uses them to keep us in the right place,
the place of grace and of humility.
Before I went through some 'history' that I wanted to erase,
I was full of self-righteousness and pride.
The shame is painful, but the tears are joyful at the same time
because for the first time,
I experience true humility - true dependence on Christ.
I can never thank Him enough - Jesus Christ and His cross for me.
I can never thank Him enough, so I say once again tonight,
Lord thankyou so much.
Thankyou for your true love.
Thankyou for you reminder
Thankyou for healing the wound
and for leaving the scar.
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